Friday, February 17, 2006


Is This The Part Where We Go Crashing Through The Barriers

Just like they say in music mags. Who knows where that's from, and it's not googleable ! You cheating scum ! For the first time since I started counting in dollars, my bankroll (which is the total amount of poker profit) has broken $40,000. Which is nice. It's certainly at its maximum in pounds so I'm pretty sure it is a new high watermark. I was $2 short until I counted outstanding bets on Betfair [1] but Birmingham are so going down that I really ought to count the profit from that, not just the amount of the bet.

A few sit and goes helped me over the line today, but the main boost this week was $1400 for a 4th place finish on Blue Square. It could easily have been the lot ($5400) if the Hat hadn't downloaded the software specially to bok me. To be fair he did offer not to do it for $40 but I wouldn't give in to bok terrorism [2]. One Jack high flop holding AJ against an opponent who was playing every hand but turned out to have KK on this occasion and he was able to MSN "my work is done here". Marvellous.

I'm still pondering whether I should set a limit which is deemed "enough" and gamble anything off the top in bigger live events. If I do, I should set it and stick to it instead of doing the old Henry Ford "just a little more". On the other hand I might not because the live tournament circuit is such a jopke. $40K might sound like a lot but it's taken me 8 years and some of these kids nowadays win and lose that every two weeks. I don't envy them. They're much more likely to make their fortune than me, they're also much more likely to go broke. You pays your money, literally, and you takes your choice.

[1] Yes I know sports bets shouldn't count at all but it's all on the same Betfair account so ... erm ... shut up I've got $40K !

[2] I have now thought of a better name for it. Bokmail.

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