Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Easy ! Easy ! Easy ! ... Too Easy

One of the more interesting points to arise from the whole multi-accounting business was the villain's rationale for opening separate accounts in the first place. It was that opponents in the $200 Sit and Goes had adjusted to his play, thus cutting down his edge considerably.

The old-fashioned way of dealing with this was to think about the necessary counter-adjustments and stay one step ahead. But who needs to do that when we can just open another account and pretend to be a brand new fish. In fact you're allowed to change your name on Party, once every six months. However the temptation to open multiple accounts, keep them open, and switch back and forward proved impossible to resist, and onto the slippery slope he slid. In some ways, success has come too easily to a few people who weren't mature enough to handle themselves properly when it did. As it is and was and always will be I suppose.

I'm now sorting out my accounts on the various Crypto skins, and also Pokerroom/Eurobet, so that I only play on one of them in games which are common across all the skins. Not that I did anything untoward before, but it's nice to sort it out and have a clear conscience. Then you can preach at everyone else. Joke, I'm not going to do that any more :-). One comment I liked in the thread was "Now I feel a lot better about making $1500 a month on one account". I should feel the same way myself. I feel a strange lack of confidence at the moment because I'm on a bad run in MTTs, and I think I'm making too many poor decisions. Hold on a minute though. Thanks to the S+Gs I'm still $5000 up this year. The bank doesn't ask me what game I won it in. That's not bad for someone playing it straight in his spare time, and I should take more satisfaction from it.

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